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About Us

About us

Who we are

We are a local association and a Jordanian initiative concerned with preparing, supporting and empowering women socially, economically and politically.

And legally, in a way that enhances its role and develops its performance in the family and society within a society based on equal opportunities and equality.

With the belief that reaching a democratic society comes through upgrading the role of women and granting them full citizenship, which is from It would create a productive, dialogue, balanced and democratic civil society.

Our Value


Preparing studies and implementing programs and projects that support and empower women to achieve their full rights
Protecting and empowering her in the family and society, which enhances her role and improves her performance.

Our story


Achieving a democratic society through the empowerment of women.
What distinguishes the association: Daam is characterized by the fact that it takes the criterion of full citizenship as an essential reference for its programs and projects
National belonging is inseparable from self-awareness and preserving the dignity of women. It also does not separate support for women’s issues
And society, considering the empowerment of women is the main supportive link for the development of society, as achieving a balanced society
It is done by preparing a decent and responsible woman.

Previously implemented projects:

Project management 2019

A project to reduce economic violence against women and girls by enhancing skills to enter the labor market

(workers in the health, social and educational sectors) 2021

A project to institutionalize mandatory reporting for groups who are required to report (workers in the health, social and educational sectors) 2021

Promote a supportive environment for women in 2020

A project to promote the values of masculinity to reduce domestic and community violence by confronting women, targeting dignitaries and community leaders To promote a supportive environment for women in 2020.

AD 2021

A project for ways of political empowerment of women and their access to decision-making positions in civil society institutions and political parties

reduce domestic violence against women and girls 2020

A project to raise the level of family counseling skills to reduce domestic violence against women and girls 2020.

leadership and marketing until 2022.

The “We Want to Harvest” project, which is a project to empower women producers and small business owners to enter the production market Continue by leading them to leadership and marketing until 2022.



Daam is a local body that joined the Register of Charitable Associations at the Ministry of Social Development in 201
8; It was established by a group of social work experts and experts in women’s issues, through contributions
They are in previous programs and projects implemented by local and international civil society organizations, in addition to government institutions
The semi-governmental organizations took upon themselves the issue of women.
